
National Groups:

Dutch Scholars for Palestine: DSP is a network of academic and cultural workers committed to solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation and self-determination. @dutchscholarsforpalestine

BDS Nederland: A Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. @bds_nederland

Will You Help a Friend: A group of volunteers who have set up a verification process for gofundmes of Palestinians in Gaza, and aid in the promotion of these gofundmes. @willyouhelpmyfriend

European Legal Support Center: The ELSC defends and empowers advocates for Palestinian rights across mainland Europe and Britain through legal means. @elsclegal

The Rights Forum: The Rights Forum is a knowledge centre on Palestine/Israel. @the_rights_forum

Erev Rav: Erev Rav is an Antizionist Jewish Collective based in the Netherlands. @erevravnl

Workers for Palestine: @workersforpalestine.nl

Palestijnse Gemeenschap in Nederland (PGNL): @p.g.n.l

Free Palestine Netherlands: @free.palestine.nl

Platform Stop Racisme: @platformstopracisme_

End Fossil Occupy NL: @endfossilnl

Internationale Socialisten: @internationale_socialisten

Fairtrade Palestine: @fairtradepalestine.nl

Vakbondsleden Solidair met Palestina: @vakbondsolidairmetpalestina

Book Bloc Brigade: @bookblocbrigade

Artsen Voor Gaza: @artsenvoorgaza

Migreat: @migreatnl

NWO-I Staff for Palestine: @nwoistaff4palestine

Local Groups:

Amersfoort for Palestine: @amersfoort4palestine

Students for Justice in Palestine: @sjpamsterdam

Amsterdam Student Encampment: @amsterdam.encampment

The VU Coalition of Students and Staff for Palestine: @vuforpalestine

AUfree Palestine: @aufreepalestine

Rietveld and Sandberg Students for Palestine: @gra.si.students4palestine

Rietveld and Sandberg Staff for Palestine: @gra.si.staff4palestine

HvA for Palestine: @hva4palestine

Amsterdam for Palestine: @amsterdam4palestine

Arnhem:Arnhem for Palestine: @arnhem4palestine

Breda Solidair: @bredasolidair

Engineering Solidarity Palestine Delft: @esp_deift

Bouwkunde Scholars for Palestine: @bkscholarsforpalestine

Den Bosch for Palestine: @den.bosch4palestine

Den Bosch Kan Het: @denboschkanhet

Den HaagStudents for Palestine (SfP): @studentsforpalestine

Koninklijk Conservatorium Students for Palestine: @kcstudents4palestine

Tabaria Cafe: @tabaria.cafe

Eindhoven Students4Palestine: @eindhovenstudents4palestine

Eindhoven Encampment: @einhoven.encampment

Eindhoven for Palestine: @eindhoven4palestineUniversity

Rebellion TU/e: @universityrebellion_tue

Enschede Students for Palestine: @enschedestudentsforpalestine

Gouda for Palestine: @goudaforpalestine

Encampment Groningen: @encampment.rug

Groningen for Palestine: ingenforpalestine

Leiden Student Encampment: @leiden.encampment

Leiden for Palestine: @leidenforpalestine

Leiden Scholars for Palestine: @leidenscholarsforpalestin

Free Palestine Maastricht: @freepalestine.maastricht

Maastricht Student Encampment: @maastricht.encampment

Nijmegen Student Encampment: @nijmegenencampment

Nijmegen for Palestine: @nijmegenforpalestine

Radboud Staff for Palestine: @radboudstaff4pal3stine

Palestine Solidarity Rotterdam (PSR): @palestinesolidarityrotterdam

Rotterdam Encampment: @rotterdamencampment

Erasmus Staff for Palestine: @erasmusstaff4palestine

Erasmus School of Colour (ESOC): @erasmus_School_of_colour

Hogeschool Rotterdam for Palestine: @hrforpalestine

Rotterdam Palestina Coalitie (RPC): @rotterdampalestinacoalitie

Palestine Solidarity Tilburg (PST): @palestinetilburg

Tilburg Student Encampment: @tilburg.encampment

Utrecht encampment: @encampment.uu

Utrecht for Palestine: @utrecht4palestine

Utrecht Students in Solidarity With Palestine: @palestinesolidarity.usp

New Neighbours Utrecht: @newneighbours_utrecht

Palestine Cafe Utrecht: @palestine.cafe.utrecht

Utrecht University Staff for Palestine: @utrechtuni4palestine

Zwolle for Palestine: @zwolle.4palestine

Brabant for Palestine: @br4palestine

Overijssel Voor Palestina: @overijssel.voor.Palestina